Parent Code of Conduct
Land United Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct
Parents and Guardians of Land United Futbol Club (LUFC) players serve as important role models to their children and to all the other children that they come into contact with at the soccer field and events. Therefore, the LUFC organization expects each parent to agree to the following code of conduct values:
LUFC Parents will learn and understand the rules of the game for each specific league/tournament, etc. (see )
LUFC Parents will download the TeamSnap app, turn on their notifications, and be actively aware of the schedule for the team. Parents will update the availability of their player on their respective team so coaches can plan accordingly.
LUFC Parents will respect the integrity and judgment of the referees. Parents will refrain from challenging referee calls or making negative comments towards the referee.
LUFC Parents will show appreciation of good play by both teams.
LUFC Parents will refrain from “coaching” any player from the sidelines or “joy-sticking” their own player during games.
LUFC Parents will cheer and show encouragement at all times and refrain from making negative or abusive remarks about the opposing team’s players or coaches.
LUFC Parents will refrain from “over-cheering” the play of their kids (i.e. avoid cheering each time they touch the ball or make a play).
LUFC Parents will follow the “24-Hour Rule” before contacting coaches or managers after a game.
LUFC Parents will not talk negatively about any players, parents, coaches, or LUFC staff.
LUFC Parents will report to the coach all injuries, special medical conditions (i.e. asthma) or extenuating circumstances (i.e. lack of sleep or family crisis) that may affect the player for a practice or a game.
LUFC Parents will promote proper nutritional guidelines to their player(s) for practices, games and tournaments.
LUFC Parents will get their player(s) to practice, games, and tournaments early, according to their coach’s schedule. Parents will utilize drop off methods to get their player to the field early so they can warm-up as a team.
LUFC Parents understand that it is the priority of our club to actively and positively contribute to our community, the environment, and social causes. LUFC Parents will reinforce the player’s participation in club or team functions and projects.
LUFC Parents will help enforce the Player Code of Conduct Contract.